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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2017-18 Summaries of Police investigations overseen by the IPCA

Excessive use of force

19 November 2018

In June 2017, Police arrested a heavily intoxicated man for threatening behaviour. They took the man to the Police station and immediately placed him into a cell for 'detoxification' (sobering up).

One officer pushed the man into the cell, causing him to hit his head on the cell wall. The man's head was cut and lightly bleeding. The officer told his supervisor immediately.

Police conducted criminal and employment investigations, which the Authority oversaw and reviewed.

The criminal investigation concluded that the push was unjustified and an excessive use of force. The officer was charged with common assault. The officer pleaded guilty to the charge and applied for diversion, which was approved and completed.

The officer was also sanctioned as a result of the employment investigation.

The Authority agreed with the outcomes of the Police investigations.

IPCA: 17-0676

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