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We are the only NZ Police oversight body

We are not part of the NZ Police

Under law we are fully independent

If you have a complaint about the NZ Police, you can come to us

Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Complaints

Making a complaint on behalf of someone else

Find out here about making a complaint on behalf of someone else.

You can make a complaint on behalf of a family member or friend.

We will need written consent from the person affected or other clear evidence of that person's knowledge or agreement.

Making a complaint on behalf of a minor

If you're making a complaint on behalf of someone under 18 years old or someone unable to make a complaint themselves, you must state the nature of your relationship with that person and the reasons why you're acting on their behalf.

Making a complaint about a matter you have no personal involvement in

You can make a complaint about a matter you're not personally involved in if:

  • you provide written permission from a person personally involved;
  • you have first-hand knowledge of the incident e.g. direct observation or otherwise;
  • your complaint is alleging corruption or other serious wrong doing and there are available lines of inquiry to investigate it; or
  • your complaint concerns a matter of significant public concern and requires investigation or review in the public interest.

We can exercise discretion to decline a complaint made on behalf of someone else.

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