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We are the only NZ Police oversight body

We are not part of the NZ Police

Under law we are fully independent

If you have a complaint about the NZ Police, you can come to us

Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Complaints

Complaint confidentiality

Find out here how confidential your complaint is.


Police will be notified of your complaint. This is a legal requirement under section 16 of the Independent Police Conduct Authority Act 1988. It is also our practice to provide Police with a copy of your complaint.

Our legislation says that we can't give out information collected during our assessment of a complaint. This includes information we receive from the Police.

We're not subject to the Official Information Act 1982 and our Act limits the personal information we can provide under the Privacy Act 1993.

Requesting complaint information

You can request copies of any correspondence between you and the IPCA by emailing us info@ipca.govt.nz or leaving a message on 0800 503 728.

If you'd like to receive copies of information held about you by Police, you need to request this directly on the Police website.

Public reports

We publish the outcomes of some of our investigations. If we publish a report about your complaint, all the identifying information will be removed. For example, we'll use "Ms X" instead of your name unless it's already public.

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