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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2018-19 Summaries of Police Investigations

Inappropriate texting by a non-sworn Police employee

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint about inappropriate texting by a non-sworn Police employee in Counties Manukau. During the course of that investigation, a possible privacy breach by the same employee was identified.

The Police employee had attended the complainant's address to make some enquiries following a burglary. Later the same day, he texted her in relation to another Police-related matter. While there was no issue with the initial texts, the Police employee subsequently sent the complainant personal and inappropriate texts. The Police upheld the complaint and the employee received an appropriate disciplinary sanction.

Additionally, several weeks after his attendance at her address, and at the request of the complainant, the Police employee texted her limited information in relation to a neighbour's stolen car. As the stolen car had a possible connection to her burglary Police decided that it was appropriate for such information to be provided.

The Authority agreed with the outcome of the Police investigation.

IPCA: 17-1788

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