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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2018-19 Summaries of Police Investigations

Incident involving two Police employees at a Police social function

2 October 2019

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an incident at a Police social event in Counties Manukau District in June 2018. A number of Police employees had stayed on after the main event, continuing to drink alcohol and socialise. At some point during this, a female Police employee was injured as a result of one of her colleagues, an off-duty Police officer who had been drinking at the event, attempting to perform martial arts-type moves on her. The injury resulted in the need for medical treatment and time off work.

Police determined that the officer's action that led to the injury was the result of an error of judgement on his part, rather than any malicious intent. There was sufficient evidence to charge him with assault, but in the circumstances, Police deemed it was not in the public interest to do so. The officer's conduct was instead addressed through an employment process which applied an appropriate outcome.

The Authority's final review of the Police investigation agreed with the finding and the outcome.

IPCA: 18-0036

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