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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2019-20-summaries-of-police-investigations

Review of Police actions following an incident where a prisoner self-harmed in custody

10 April 2020

The Authority oversaw a Police review of an incident from the Bay of Plenty District where a remand prisoner self-harmed on four occasions overnight. Police identified five areas where action could be taken to prevent a similar incident from occurring in the future and to keep staff and prisoners safe. Police have taken the requisite action in each area, including reminding staff of best practice for dealing with prisoners who suffer from serious health conditions, ensuring suitable personal protective equipment is available to officers who are dealing with those with serious health conditions and holding two debrief sessions to highlight the lessons learned from the incident.

The Authority is satisfied with the Police review of this incident, and the steps that have been taken to address areas of immediate concern within the custody unit.

IPCA: 19-0764

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