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Home / Outcomes / 2019-20-summaries-of-police-investigations

Police fail to complete Victim Notification Reister form

22 April 2020

The Victims' Rights Act 2002 says that victims of relevant offences must be asked by Police whether they wish to be put on the register, so they can be notified of certain events such as the offender's release from prison.

The Authority oversaw the Police investigation of a complaint that a Victim Notification Register form was not completed for a sexual assault victim in Tasman. This came to light when the convicted offender was seen on the street after being released from prison.

Police found that the officer in charge of the prosecution inadvertently overlooked asking the victim whether she wished to be notified and failed to complete the required form. Police provided an explanation and apology to the complainant.

Tasman District Police conducted a review of all similar files and did not find any other cases where such an error had been made. However, Police at a national level have now improved their case management processes to ensure an automated task is sent to the officer in charge of the case so that they are reminded of their obligations under the Victims' Rights Act.

The Authority agrees with the investigation findings and subsequent actions by the Police.

IPCA: 19-0380

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