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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2019-20-summaries-of-police-investigations

Allegation of unlawful detention and intimidating behaviour by Police in Blenheim

4 August 2020

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an allegation that two Police officers had unlawfully detained and interviewed a group of youths in a public place in Blenheim on 27 August 2019.

The Police found that the officers acted professionally and lawfully in their dealings with the youths and no further action was taken.

The Authority agrees with the outcome of the Police investigation and notes that:

  • The officers were entitled to engage with the youths;
  • The youths were neither told nor led to believe that they were detained by the officers;
  • The officers were not required to advise the youths of their rights under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act 1990 in the circumstances of this particular case;
  • Subsequent steps taken by the one of the officers to identify and engage with one of the youths were appropriate and compatible with his Youth Aid role within Police.
IPCA: 19-1054
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