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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2019-20-summaries-of-police-investigations

Complaint about Police response to family harm incidents - Waikato

27 July 2020

In May 2019 the Authority received a complaint about the lack of investigation into reported family harm episodes, a pre charge warning that had been issued in relation to a related incident and requests under the Official Information Act 1982 (OIA)relating to those events.

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation to determine if the actions of the officers involved were appropriate and in accordance with policy.

Police found that there were no breaches of policy by any of the involved officers.

The Authority found that the initial investigations into the reported family harm episodes were inadequate and police failed to respond in a way which prevented further harm being caused to the victim. The Authority also found that the police, having investigated the complaint about how the family harm episodes were dealt with initially, did not fully address all concerns raised.

The investigation into the complaint about the pre-charge warning and OIA requests was appropriately dealt with.

IPCA: 18-2489

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