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Allegation an off-duty officer assaults his children

11 June 2020

The Authority oversaw a police investigation into an allegation that a police officer in the Central District had assaulted his two children by slapping them on the arm. The police officer denied the allegation. The police investigation found that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with a prosecution, nor was it in the public interest to do so.

No further action was taken against the officer. The Authority agrees with the findings and outcome of the police investigation.

IPCA: 17-2540

Allegation an off-duty officer assaults his children

11 June 2020

The Authority oversaw a police investigation into an allegation that a police officer in the Central District had assaulted his two children by slapping them on the arm. The police officer denied the allegation. The police investigation found that there was insufficient evidence to proceed with a prosecution, nor was it in the public interest to do so.

No further action was taken against the officer. The Authority agrees with the findings and outcome of the police investigation.

IPCA: 17-2540

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