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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2019-20-summaries-of-police-investigations

Waitemata officer investigated for unprofessional behaviour and breach of the code of conduct

30 June 2020

In 2017 a police employee complained to the Independent Police Conduct Authority that a sworn officer had disclosed confidential information to a third person. The complainant also alleged the officer had provided this person with unauthorised entry into Police restricted areas and rides in police vehicles. The Authority referred the complaint to Police to investigate under the Authority's oversight.

During the investigation several unrelated family harm matters were discovered alleging potential criminal offending by the officer. These matters were also notified to the Authority and again referred to Police for investigation under the Authority's oversight. Police conducted a full investigation and sought a legal opinion. No charges were laid. Police then conducted an employment investigation into the officer's activities. They uncovered numerous instances of unprofessional behaviour including unauthorised disclosure of police material, unauthorised use of police vehicles and use of Police data systems for personal purposes. The investigation found that the officer's actions amounted to serious misconduct. Following notification of this finding, the officer resigned from Police.

The Authority reviewed the Police investigation and agrees with the outcome.

IPCA: 17-0858

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