In April 2019, a Wellington Police officer decided to deploy road spikes to stop a driver who was fleeing from Police on the Kapiti Expressway. The Authority received complaints about what he did from two occupants of a nearby vehicle and referred the matter to Police to investigate.
The Police investigation focused on whether the officer's assessment of the situation prior to the deployment of the spikes complied with the Police tyre deflation devices policy. Police found the officer's decision to deploy road spikes under the circumstances was justified due to the concerns they had about the likelihood of further offending if the fleeing driver was not apprehended.
However, Police acknowledge the officer breached policy by deploying the road spikes at a time when there was heavy traffic at the location of the incident. Police have addressed this breach of policy with the officer concerned. Police also met with the complainants who accepted their apology and explanation.
The Authority reviewed the Police investigation and agrees with the outcomes.
IPCA: 18-2203 & 18-2204