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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2021 Summaries of Police Investigations

An off-duty officer alleged to have assaulted a family member at a family funeral gathering

12 July 2021

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an allegation that an off-duty officer assaulted a family member at a funeral in Bay of Plenty. The family member said the officer grabbed him by the throat and threatened to kill him. Police interviewed a number of people who were there, and their statements did not support the allegation. The officer said he put his hands on the shoulders of the family member, and then stumbled which caused him to then grab at the person. He denied any other force or threats.

Police conducted a criminal investigation which found the assault (of the officer putting his hands on the family members shoulders) was not serious enough to necessitate a charge and did not meet the threshold for prosecution. There was no clear evidence of the more serious allegations so it was decided no further action was required.

Police also conducted an employment investigation which resulted in no further action.

The Authority agrees with the Police findings and outcome.

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