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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2021 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police officer in Wellington involved with careless use of Taser

29 June 2021

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint alleging a Police officer allowed a member of the public to hold his Taser. The female member of the public then pointed and arced the Taser at the complainant, who was walking past at that time.

Police undertook an employment investigation. During that investigation, the officer explained that he had handed the Taser to the woman for educational reasons, due to her lack of understanding around how it was used and subsequent effects. The officer had removed the cartridges from the Taser prior to handing the device to the woman.

The officer received an appropriate sanction for his error of judgement, and he apologised to the complainant. The Authority agreed with the outcome of the Police investigation and the actions taken.

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