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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2021 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police personnel sanctioned for acquiring firearm and ammunition surrendered by member of the public

21 May 2021

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation where an officer in Waitematā District acquired for his personal use a firearm and about 30 rounds of ammunition from a member of the public who had surrendered them at a local Police Station. The officer contacted the member of the public who agreed he could have the firearm and ammunition. The officer alleged that he had also obtained permission from a sergeant and a senior sergeant.

A criminal investigation concluded that no charge should be laid against the officer. He received an appropriate sanction following an employment investigation.

An employment investigation was also conducted in relation to the non-sworn staff member who received the firearm and ammunition at the public counter but failed to comply with the appropriate Police policies regarding documenting the surrender of the firearm and ammunition. She also received an appropriate employment outcome.

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