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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2022 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police officer in Central District breached professional distance policy by engaging with vulnerable victim

21 November 2022

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a notification where a Police officer had sexual contact with a person, knowing that she was a vulnerable victim. The victim told Police that the contact was unwanted, although she did not say this this to the officer at the time. The victim also did not want the officer to be charged, or to lose his job, for what happened.

A criminal investigation found that there was insufficient evidence to charge the officer. Subsequently, Police had an employment process where it was found that the officer breached their professional distance policy by engaging with a vulnerable victim and an appropriate sanction was applied.

The Authority agrees with the Police investigations, and that the employment outcome of this matter was adequate.

IPCA: 21-7563

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