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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2023 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police employee in Auckland accessed the Police national database and disclosed information to a friend

3 April 2023

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an allegation an employee gave a friend confidential information she found on the Police database about a man the friend had been messaging on social media.

There was a further allegation the same Police employee also gave information to the man’s employer who then dismissed him.

Police conducted an audit of the staff member’s usage of the database and it appeared there were other occasions she accessed the database without authorisation.

An employment investigation found the staff member had accessed the database and passed information onto her friend but had not passed the information on to the man’s employer. It was also established the staff member did not inappropriately access the database on other occasions.

The staff member is no longer working for Police.

The Authority agrees with the Police findings and the outcome.

IPCA: 21-8939

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