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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2023 Summaries of Police Investigations

Complaint of excessive force not upheld

24 January 2023

The Authority oversaw an investigation into an allegation an officer punched the complainant while arresting him. This occurred following an incident in which a car registered to the complainant had fled from Police. The complainant’s former partner also alleged that the officer later returned to the property and asked that CCTV footage of the arrest be deleted.

Police conducted a criminal investigation and found that the officer’s use of force was justified. The officer did not punch the male but had used hand strikes to get him to release his arms to be handcuffed. There was no evidence that the officer had asked for the CCTV footage to be deleted.

They also conducted an employment investigation and made an adverse finding relating to the subject officer’s interactions with the complainant’s former partner, with whom he had been ordered not to have further contact. 

The Authority is satisfied with the Police investigation and outcome.

IPCA: 20-4118

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