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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2023 Summaries of Police Investigations

Complaint about force against a young person not upheld 

22 November 2023 

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint made on behalf of a young person who Police transported to a Youth Justice secure facility in Counties Manukau in September 2022. 

The young person complained they were slapped in the Police car while handcuffed.  Staff at the facility raised concerns about the force used by the officers to escort the young person into the reception room, and while restraining them. 

Police interviewed the young person, the officers involved and other witnesses.  They also viewed CCTV footage from the reception room. 

Police found that the force used in the Police car was justified in the circumstances at the time. The young person was slapped in the process of being handcuffed.  Their desire to escape, their level of agitation and the risk to the other people in the Police car at the time justified the use of force as a distraction technique so the young person could be properly restrained.  

Police also found that the force used to escort and restrain the young person within the reception area was justified. 

The Authority agreed with the findings and the outcome of the investigation.

IPCA 22-15603

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