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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2023 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police officers in Christchurch involved in off-duty fight

26 September 2023

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint about a fight in Christchurch involving off-duty Police staff in the early hours of 20 March 2022. Eight off-duty staff were involved in a fight with a group of civilians after one of them broke an officer’s phone. Police separately notified us about this incident.

Police conducted a criminal investigation focused on two of the off-duty officers involved. They decided that the officers’ actions did not meet the evidential test to prosecute for assault.

The Authority disagreed with the Police decision not to charge two of the officers involved, particularly given their willingness to charge the civilians.

Police proceeded with an employment process. We partially agreed with the employment outcome.

IPCA: 22-13123

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