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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2024 Summaries of Police Investigations

Palmerston North officer acts inappropriately towards a family harm victim

15 January 2024

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an allegation that a Palmerston North officer acted inappropriately and unprofessionally towards a vulnerable family harm victim he met in the course of his duties in February 2022. The officer used his personal phone to send messages outside of work hours that were of a personal, and sometimes flirtatious, nature. While investigating the matter, Police learned the officer had also allegedly made unwanted advances of a sexual nature towards the woman at her home while on duty.

Police conducted a criminal investigation and determined the evidential and public interest tests for prosecution were not met. However, an employment investigation found the officer’s actions breached Police policy and the Code of Conduct.

The IPCA agrees with the Police findings.

IPCA: 22-13173

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