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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2024 Summaries of Police Investigations

Officer in Waitematā District attends a briefing while intoxicated, and off duty 

25 January 2024

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into allegations that two officers attended a briefing while off duty, behaved unprofessionally, and were intoxicated, and that the more senior of the two failed to deal with the behaviour of the other.

The investigation found that the more senior officer was not intoxicated and had only attended the briefing to say hello to the team. He had also not realised that the more junior officer was intoxicated. Therefore, the allegations against him were not upheld.

The allegations against the more junior officer were upheld and were dealt with by a confidential employment process.

The Authority agrees with the findings of the investigation and actions taken by police.

IPCA 23-16943

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