In August 2022, the Authority received a complaint alleging misconduct of a serious nature by a Police Officer in April 2021 related to inaccuracies in a formal written statement.
The Authority has determined that the complaint falls under the Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022.
The issue was raised internally in April 2021. Police investigated the inaccuracies, amended the formal written statement and appropriately disclosed both statements, but Police did not investigate the alleged misconduct or notify the Authority.
In the Authority’s view it is now not possible to conduct a fair and independent investigation. In reaching that view, the Authority has weighed the seriousness of the allegation and strength of the evidence, against the time delay and issues relating to the subject officer’s welfare that have been raised with us.
We consider that in 2021 there was sufficient evidence to justify an investigation into alleged misconduct and that the decision by the Police not to investigate or notify the Authority was inappropriate.
IPCA: 22-14587