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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2024 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police review processes in Waitematā after two prisoners consume drugs while in custody

4 June 2024

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an incident where an officer provided an unknown substance to two detainees, who told the officer it was dental glue. Approximately five minutes after taking the substance, one of the detainees collapsed. The other told Police the substance was not dental glue, it was Gamma-butyrolactone (GBL), a class B controlled drug. Police transported both detainees to hospital for assessments.

The Police review identified areas of improvement in custody processes, and Waitematā Police have implemented new practices to mitigate the risk of this occurring. Police have also updated their training to include information about this type of drug and how it can be disguised as other substances. Police also took appropriate employment action with the officer involved in the incident.

The Authority agrees with the process and actions taken by Police.

IPCA: 23-18627

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