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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2024 Summaries of Police Investigations


Allegation of excess use of force against a youth during an arrest in Hastings

20 November 2024

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an allegation that an officer used excessive force during the arrest of a youth who was a suspect of an arson of a motor vehicle. The youth complained that the officer punched them in the back of the head and then placed them in a headlock which restricted their breathing.

Police conducted a criminal investigation and found the force was unjustified and charged the officer with common assault and impeding breathing. The officer pleaded not guilty to the two charges and was later found guilty of common assault by a jury.

When the officer appeared before the Court for sentencing, their application for discharge without conviction was granted by the Judge under section 106 of the Sentencing Act 2002.

A Police employment process was commenced soon after the court hearings. However, the officer no longer works for Police.

The Authority is satisfied that the Police adequately investigated the matter and considers the outcome to be appropriate.

IPCA: 20-5996

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