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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2024 Summaries of Police Investigations

Police couple investigated after physical altercation at home

17 October 2024

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an allegation that two members of Police in Counties Manukau, who are in a relationship, had a physical altercation while at their home.

Police conducted a criminal investigation. Neither party agreed to be interviewed by Police about what had happened, nor wanted to make a complaint about the other. The investigation concluded that one of the partners most likely caused scratches to their partner’s neck and cuts to their knee. However, there was insufficient evidence to prosecute them.

Police then conducted an employment investigation, finding that the partner who caused the injuries had instigated the altercation. Police found their behaviour was contrary to the Police Code of Conduct and Values, which Police employees are required to adhere to while on and off duty. This resulted in a confidential employment outcome.

The Authority is satisfied that Police adequately investigated the matter and that the outcomes were appropriate.

IPCA: 23-17901

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