The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an incident where a detainee in Police custody self-harmed using a knife the detainee had taken into custody.
The investigation found the arresting officers had failed to adequately search the detainee after they were arrested. Once arrested and waiting for transport to the custody unit the detainee attempted to self-harm and was aggressive towards Police. The officers contacted the custody unit to inform them of the situation, however, this did not include important information, such as the threats of self-harm made. The investigation concluded that, if more information had been provided, the custody staff would have been able to conduct a more detailed risk assessment allowing them to better prepare for the detainee's arrival.
When the officers and detainee arrived at the custody unit, the search undertaken by custody staff was not thorough and fell short of the expected standard. After the search, the detainee was left alone in a cell. They retrieved a knife from their jacket and self-harmed.
An officer saw the detainee's actions on the custody camera, intervened and provided first aid. A restraint chair was used to secure the detainee to allow officers to safely administer medical attention. Police policy states officers are required to report on all uses of restraint chairs; however, the Police investigation found the officers involved did not complete a report.
The breaches of Police policy identified in the investigation have been addressed with the officers concerned.
The Authority is satisfied with how Police investigated this incident and agree with the outcome.
IPCA: 24-24320