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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2025-summaries-of-police-investigations


Bay of Plenty pursuit unjustified, multiple policy breaches

19 February 2025

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a fleeing driver incident in Bay of Plenty District.

The vehicle was spiked and then pursued at length throughout the Tauranga CBD. When the driver ran from the vehicle, a Police dog was deployed. The driver required treatment for an arm injury.

The Police investigation concluded that the use of the Police dog was justified but that the pursuit was not conducted in accordance with Police policy. Specifically:

• the pursuit was not justified;

• irrespective of this, it was not well managed and should have been abandoned at an early stage due to the risks posed to other road users;

• officers did not correctly follow abandonment procedures; and

• two units should not have travelled the wrong way down a one-way street.

Police undertook an employment process to address the policy breaches by multiple staff.

We agree with the Police findings.

IPCA: 24-23176

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