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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2025-summaries-of-police-investigations


Death of motorcycle rider while evading Police at Auckland

7 March 2025

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into an incident where Samuel Rasmussen died after crashing his motorcycle into a car in New Lynn, Auckland on 12 March 2024.

At about 5.40pm, two officers in a patrol car observed Mr Rasmussen, who they did not know, riding a motorcycle carelessly in heavy traffic. They conducted a vehicle check which revealed the motorbike’s owner, Mr Rasmussen, did not hold a current driver’s licence for any road vehicles, and the motorbike had an expired registration and Warrant of Fitness. They tried to move through the traffic signal the rider to stop. However, Mr Rasmussen sped away, turned down a side street where he accelerated to around 120kmph in a 50kmph zone.

Unfortunately, a member of the public in a car failed to see the speeding motorcycle and pulled across the road, which resulted in a crash. Mr Rasmussen died as a result of his injuries, no one else was physically harmed.

Police concluded the officers had not commenced a pursuit but should have advised Police Communications over the radio what they intended to do. This breach had no impact on events.

The Authority is satisfied with Police’s investigation and agrees with the outcome.

IPCA: 24-22001

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