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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2025-summaries-of-police-investigations


Police employee failed to recognise conflict of interest in Gisborne

7 March 2025

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint alleging that a Police employee accessed the Police database and shared Police information with the complainant’s ex-partner. The complainant alleged the Police employee’s involvement was because the employee was in a relationship with the complainant’s ex-partner.

The Police employee denied being in a current relationship with the complainant’s ex-partner. While the Police investigation found no evidence that Police information had been unlawfully shared, Police concluded that the Police employee accessed the Police database and that it was not for work purposes. Police found this access was influenced by the Police employee’s association with the complainant’s ex-partner and was in breach of Police policy and the Code of Conduct.

The Authority accepts that Police conducted their process adequately and is satisfied with the outcome reached.

IPCA: 24-22109

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