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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

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Monitoring places of Police detention

We are one of four National Preventive Mechanisms (NPMs). Our responsibility is to monitor places of Police detention.

We were designated an NPM in 2007 under an amendment to the Crimes of Torture Act 1989. The focus is to prevent human rights breaches in places of Police detention.

We identify systemic issues arising from complaints and incidents such as:

  • the condition of custodial facilities
  • poor handling of detainees with mental health issues
  • issues with transport of detainees
  • inadequate risk assessment or monitoring of detainees.

We also make regular announced and unannounced visits to Police and court cells.

The Human Rights Commission has overall responsibility for coordinating New Zealand's programme of monitoring and reporting on places of detention.

Find out more about the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (OPCAT) and our role in monitoring places of Police detention.

Read about our reports on places of Police detention.

View the OPCAT Annual reports.

View the Crimes of Torture Act 1989.

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