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Police watchdog calls for footage from Parliament Protests

30 August 2022

The IPCA would like to hear from anyone who owns CCTV or video footage of Police activities at the Parliament Protests in February and March this year.

In March the IPCA commenced an investigation to review policing of the protest and respond to the nearly 2,000 complaints it had received. 

“Our inquiry is well underway,” says Project Director, Sarah Goodall. “However, we know people may have more information, in particular, digital images, cell phone or video footage and CCTV coverage showing Police activities at the Parliament Protest that may help with our investigation.”

In order for CCTV or video footage to be considered by the project, the following requirements need to be met:

  • You will need to verify that you filmed the footage yourself. 
  • You must be the owner of the footage. 
  • You must have been present at the protest at the time the footage was filmed. 

If you have already provided footage, you will not need to submit it again. 

“If you think you may have information that will be of use to our inquiries, please email us at ParliamentProtest@IPCA.govt.nz. We will talk to you about the footage you have and, if required, arrange the best way for you to provide it to us,” said Ms Goodall. 

If anyone is still considering making a complaint about Police actions during an incident, they were involved in during the Protests in February/March 2022 they need to do so by Friday 16 September 2022 for that to be included in the ongoing inquiry.

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