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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2019-20-summaries-of-police-investigations

Complaint about manner of Police driving in Waitemata

15 May 2020

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint where it was alleged that in March 2019 a Police officer, driving an unmarked Police patrol car, caused a motor vehicle accident by conducting a U-turn in front of other traffic.

The motor vehicle accident occurred on a double laned road. A Police Officer driving an unmarked Police patrol car travelling in the lane beside the complainant activated the Police vehicles emergency lights and attempted to complete a U-turn in front of her vehicle. To avoid colliding with the Police patrol car the complainant had to brake heavily. The driver of a van travelling behind her did not have enough time to stop and crashed into the back of her vehicle.

The initial Police investigation into the complaint was not conducted in a timely manner and was inadequate. A review of the investigation and finding was requested by the Authority.

A Police review found that the initial investigation was insufficient and correct process was not followed. The staff involved were dealt with through an employment process which resulted in an outcome the Authority considered appropriate. Police apologised to the complainant.

IPCA: 18-2046

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