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Mana Whanonga Pirihimana Motuhake

Home / Outcomes / 2021 Summaries of Police Investigations

Man complains of harassment by local Police Sergeant

21 January 2021

The Authority oversaw a Police investigation into a complaint by an Oamaru man alleging harassment by a local Police Sergeant.

The man alleged three incidents of harassment, the first alleging the Sergeant had approached one of his daughters on her way home from intermediate school in February this year, asking her where she lived and if she wanted a ride home.

The second alleged the Sergeant had approached his other two daughters on their way to primary school in March, where he asked them where they lived, and that he grabbed one of them by the arm.

The third complaint involved an allegation the Sergeant harassed the man by parking his patrol car on the street near his house one evening, watching his home, also in March this year.

The Police investigation found no evidence in support of the first two allegations. In relation to the third allegation, the investigation found the Sergeant was parked on the man's street in the lawful execution of his duty.

The Authority reviewed the Police investigation and agreed with the findings and outcome.

IPCA: 20-3692

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