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Home / Investigation Reports & Media / 2021 Summaries of Police Investigations

Officer investigated after posting a video on social media

4 June 2021

An officer in Counties Manukau posted a video on social media which showed a person sitting alone in a video interview room, rapping. The officer made the recording from a remote monitoring room on her personal phone and the person involved did not know the video was taken or posted.

The video was online for 12 hours before it was removed. The Authority oversaw the Police investigation into the officer's actions. The investigation found the officer had breached the person's privacy and the Police Code of Conduct. Police also notified the incident to the Privacy Commissioner.

Police apologised to the person for breaching his privacy and addressed the officer's actions through an employment process which resulted in the officer receiving an appropriate sanction. The Authority agreed with the outcome of the Police investigation and the actions taken.

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